Monday 27 July 2015

Berhenti Kerja

Yesterday at about 4.30PM, Bak my bos panggil masuk bilik. And suprisingly, dia mula merepek cakap this company have financial issue & u get ready to kick out. He speak in a nice way lah but i tak terkejut pun since dah jangka bende ni. And he said, third party from Singapore also bising about me. I don't know about what. Ini mesti si asoo mulut puaka tu punya kerje la. Kalau dia dah tak suke kan. Just keep in mind, this is a good opportunity for me to resign and start expand my online biz. Nak cari keje pon makan masa sebab sekarang ekonomi Malaysia ni pon tgh down. I'm sad the whole day. Share story with husband and the only he can say, "dun worry u have me". "it's not the end of the workd" "i know my wife is strong". He's getting better at counselling me. Tak hairan lah gaji bulan ni boleh dapat cheque. Menunjukkan yang memang this company mmg ade masalah kewangan. So, i'm decided to resign 1 month notice at the end of this month. Lantaklah sape nk ganti aku pon. Tak rugi pon. A better life out there waiting for me. I already make up my mind. ANd it's final. Kali ni bukan ikut kata hati mcm yg sudah, tapi aku mengambil opportunity ini utk terus menjadi lebih kuat. Hakikatnya aku memang sukar nak bekerja dgn Cina especially pompuan. Banyak bende aku nak type ni tapi ntah la, letih plak rasanya.

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