Saturday 28 September 2013


Tanggal 9th Sept 2013, i've been calling for interview from a Company based in Puchong. Thanks God after 3 interview, i get the jobs and going to start working on next 1st Oct 2013.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

I'm having insomnia

Insomnia..i think i'm having this. I can't sleep at night, kurang selera makan. It's not good eh..Everyday i sleep at around 4 to 5 am in the morning. Bangun dh tgh hari. Balik rumah mertua pon bgn tgh hari. alangkah malunya. Another stress bila balik rumah mertua. bangun bangun terus mencekik tengah hari. breakfast mmg skip awal awal. kadang kadang tidur smpi ke petang. kenape saya tak boleh tidor? sebab i think a lot before i sleep. sy nk buat itu dan ini. sy rancang untuk masa depan, i force myself to do what i'm suppose to do. such as i must start with some business & etc. and i like to surf on the internet. seeing what beautiful in the net.

But research on the net, Hot water can cure insomnia. Mandi air panas. Tapi kat rumah ni mana ade pemanas air. nak panaskan air dlm cerek sgtlah malas. tade keupayaan aka malas. tada kekuatan langsung nak buat apa. What i do, i play hp games, surf instagram, collect picture. i try to read novel tapi habit tu tak lama. i jadi cepat bosan and annoying bila cerita yang i bca tu tak best. ha ha ha. jerawat pon dh tumbuh kt muka. maybe cara tidur yg tak betul. badan sakit sakit. huhu. I'm stress again.. sometimes, i watch movie smpi ke pagi smpi lah solat subuh baru sy tidur. orang kata tidur lepas subuh mahal rezeki. maybe this what happen to me. I need a turning point.

One thing, my husband have a really bad snooring. itu adalah salah satu punca saya tak boleh tidor. kadang kadang sy tolak dia waktu tidur supaya posisi dia berubah and dia stop berdengkur. tp kejap aje lah. then start engine balik. huhuhu...

Monday 16 September 2013

Pasif Income

I'm jobless but i realize that i can make pasif income. But the $$$ is not as much as secured salary every month. I can make income through the internet. Selling product on the net. at initial stage i help my sister with her Tupperware Brand product but at last i'm stuck because i have no modal to roll on. and tak larat nak buat marketing through internet anymore. Plus i'm not mulut manis yg pandai menarik pelanggan kan.

2 years ago i start doing my craft project and sell through internet. until today i get few orders from online customer tp suddenly i feel so tired bila nak beli raw material. Modal lagi. Tapi rezeki ada di mana mana. asal ade usaha ade lah rezeki. Berkat doing this, my wallet tak pernah lah kering terus terusan. tp taklah byk smpi boleh beli tiket kapal terbang murah utk melancong. My desire is too big.

Few weeks ago, i met a friend and she introduce me dgn MLM. Hai-O marketing. tapi mak ai, modal nyer tinggi melangit. dari ceritanya mmg lah menarik lagi mewah. dpt melancung free (oh my desire). so, i decided to tangguh dulu since blom nak ade duit sebanyak yg di required.

For instant, my craft online biz berlangsung walaupon suam suam kuku. tp at least ade lah. bole nak bg mak duit tiap bulan. tp still tak mencukupi utk bayar kereta. Owh my lovely purple car i dh bg my younger sister pakai and bayar. tak mampu nak byr bulan bulan. Rindu gak kat kereta tu. tp utk kebaikan bersama kan. Plus my sister blum dpt nk beli kereta sebab baru kerja. I miss my car, i miss my car. so damn much....

I'm a Housewife & Jobless

I'm a housewife since February 2013. Previously i work in an oil & gas company in KL. I'm doing good and i have good desired salary. I can buy anything. But suddenly shit happen in my career life. I'm having fight with my lady bos & i can't stand it anymore & decided to resign 24hrs. She (#myladyoldchinesebos) said that i can't perform with my work. I do job slow & i can't help the company. That's from her point of view. But at myside, i don't get cooperation from my senior, the boss is so what we called perfectionist & the company itself have relationship problem with our vendor/supplier. It's very hard to get cooperation from the vendor/supplier if the company don't pay the vendor. As a result, items & good is out of stock & project will delay.

 I really don't understand why this big company listed in BursaKL but refuse to pay to the vendor. I called this company as companykedekut. So, tanpa fikir panjang, i resign 24hrs and until today i still don't get replacement job. Maybe i'm choosy. and serik to what already happen in my life. But now i really need new job untuk meneruskan kelangsungan hidup. I need holiday, buy new cloth, buy new jewelry & pay the debt. Of coz lah, hutang kereta, hutang loan rumah, hutang study & many more. How i get this job? The answer is JOBSTREET lah! Pada mulanya agak best bekerja di sini. All ladies in the house + jobplace pon dekat dengan rumah. But now menyesal pon tak berguna. moral of the story, fikir panjang & sabar......

Let's Tarantula Wife Speak

I named myself as tarantula wife. I'm a wife. I'm 29 years old & just married few months ago. No kids. I'm not working. So i have 24hrs freeday everyday. I'm graduated in engineering few years ago from local university. I'm a bit bright person but i don't know what happen into my life until today i'm facing the most BORING, STUCK, EMPTY, RUSTIC, HARD & USELESS day ever.

Why suddenly i choose to blogging my life is just because i have no one to tell my story. I'm not hoping my blog to be search through all blogwalker but i'm prefer to express my hard day life through this medium. Let's me share something hoping that i will release my stress a bit. I like to write diary in previous years but surely i will lost it under the bed or in the box inside the store.

The time is 3.18 am in the morning. My husband already fall asleep. As usual, i will hug him until he sleep then i will wake up again and do what ever i want. I'm so called have sleep disorder. Why? because i have so many things inside my head to think until i cannot sleep.

My life is bored. and i'm sick. I need help. If STRESS have 6 level, i'm at no. 5. Enough for introduction. ..
